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Dearest Soror Felicia,

Words can’t express the gratitude that the women of Psi Nu Omega have for you. Your love and care of each of us, both individually and collectively, will be sorely missed as you transition out of the Basileus role. This chapter was built on a dream and a dedication to see it come to fruition. This chapter, Soror Felicia, is the culmination of a wonderful heart, dedicated passion, and a fierce courage to make it happen.


Soror Felicia, each of us has a story of how your patience and kindness has positively impacted our lives. You have embodied the qualities of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  You have cultivated and encouraged high scholastic standards in the women of Kappa Sigma for nearly 30 years. You have demanded, of yourself and your Sorors, only the highest moral and ethical standards when representing our Pink & Green Sisterhood. You have promoted unity among us all by encouraging us to reach out to one another, in good times and bad. You have been a fierce and loyal sister and friend through life’s victories and defeats. You have encouraged all of us to serve our communities to better our own and those around us. You, ma’am, quite frankly, are a beacon of hope, love, and steadfastness that we all hope to emulate.


Soror Felicia, while this is not a goodbye, it is a heartfelt thank you from all of us of the Psi Nu Omega and Kappa Sigma chapters. You have left an indelible mark on all of the lives and families you have touched over the years. We salute you, as you transition to our Historian. We salute you for your years of service. We salute you for calling all us higher and demanding, by first setting the example, that we be gracious and kind. Your shoes, dearest Soror, will be hard to fill. We will strive, by merit and culture, to continue to make you proud of the chapter that you have built. Soror Felicia Gaskins, we salute you!


Respectfully and Lovingly,


The Sorors of Psi Nu Omega Graduate Chapter

Madam Basileus Felicia

Tenacity and Strength, she exudes

A wonderful presence is her prelude

A prelude to excellence

A prelude of class

She’s got style with a little bit of sass


She is adored and loved by all

We admire her strength in circumstances, for which we would fall

A graceful smile adorns her face

Beautiful spirt lights up the place

Yes, indeed this lady has good taste


She encourages us to be our finest

Her life exemplifies it, to that we all attest

Sincere and honest, faithful to the cause of making humanity whole

She’s a force to be reckoned with, the lady is bold


Bold with conviction, and a heart for sisterhood

A heart that’s truly good

A virtuous woman for which we all aspire

This lovely Woman of God we do admire


Written by: Soror Carrie Swafford-Bennett 

Psi Nu Omega PO Box 2394 
Richland, WA 99352



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